Press for Lauren Gill

THRIVE Conejo Candidates Forum

THRIVE Conejo Candidates Forum

Click here to view video of the forum

Click here to view video of the forum

Conejo Chamber of Commerce Virtual Candidates Forum

Conejo Chamber of Commerce Virtual Candidates Forum

“I am pleased to inform you that you have been endorsed by the Stonewall Democrats of Ventura County. We are proud to support progressive candidates who fight for LGBTQ+ rights. We look forward to making a formal announcement in the coming days and to providing you a press release. Thank you for your service and we look forward to having you at our future meetings.”

Steven T. Auclair, Chair of Membership on behalf of the Executive Committee Stonewall Democrats of Ventura County

Stonewall Democrats.jpg

Meet the 2020 School Board Candidates

“I want to see every student thriving and succeeding in our schools. I think we have opportunities to make it better, and to be a bit more inclusive, to always strive to be more inclusive.”


Conejo Together Announces Endorsement for Lauren Gill, Area 5, Board of Trustees, CVUSD

I proudly accept the endorsement of Conejo Together, a neighbor-to-neighbor organization that engages and connects our community around our shared commitment to the success of all Conejo Valley students.

Thank you Conejo Together!


UACT Announces Endorsement for Lauren Gill, Area 5, Board of Trustees, CVUSD


May 8, 2020 - ‘UACT has voted to recommend Lauren Gill & Karen Sylvester for the November 2020 CVUSD School Board Trustee Election. After an extensive interview process & lengthy discussion, the UACT Representative Council, teacher representatives from each school site and those representing school nurses & special education teachers, believes Ms. Gill respects the professionalism of teachers, have a vision for the future, and will work in collaboration in the best interest for each and every student in CVUSD.’

UACT is the United Association of Conejo Teachers, lead by Colleen Briner-Schmidt and represented by teachers at all of the schools in the CVUSD. The mission of UACT is to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to ensure a quality, free public education to the students in the Conejo Valley; to protect and promote the well-being of it’s members through rigorous defense of the collective bargaining agreement; and to ensure that the teaching profession is held to a high standard and teachers are treated accordingly. For more information please visit UACT or visit them on Facebook.

I am humbled, grateful, and so happy to accept the Conejo Teachers’ endorsement. It is especially meaningful that this expression of trust and hope comes during national #TeacherAppreciationWeek.

UACT’s vetting process was serious, thoughtful, and deliberative. I was pleased to be asked questions about funding allocation, about environmental sustainability, about how best to serve students with special needs and abilities, about curriculum choice, about assessment, about the extraordinary challenges COVID-19 poses, and much more both in a written questionnaire and an interview via Zoom with the nominating committee. I enjoyed those conversations and am pleased to witness first-hand the care and commitment our teachers dedicate to the governance of our district.

I entered this campaign for CVUSD School Board out of a sense of gratitude. Gratitude for my own public school experience and gratitude for my children’s superb education here in CVUSD--at Banyan Elementary, Sequoia Middle, and Newbury Park High School. I want to do my part to ensure that every child in our community has a high quality education like the one that made me.

Our teachers give their all every day. During this pandemic, teachers are meeting unprecedented demands with expertise, grace, and tremendous caring. I am so grateful, on behalf of my own CVUSD children and all the families of our school community.

Thank you, Conejo Teachers.
